Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology has come such a long way in the last five to six years. Just the sound of my voice, I can ask you to turn on all the lamps in my house. I could ask to turn on all the rooms in my house. I could ask to turn on music in any of the rooms in my house.

What makes this so great is that let's say that you're driving home, and it's pitch dark outside, and you don't want to have to fumble with lights and groceries and all those different things. Well, now using your smart device and your voice, when you walk into the home you can turn everything on.

You used to have a keypad installed into your house and then wired all the way throughout, and it would cost thousands upon thousands of dollars to do this. You can change some of the switches, some of the light bulbs, and some of the speakers, and you have instant gratification with your new smart home.

This is great for resale! So if you're thinking about installing some sort of switch or some sort of system to make your home smart, I think it's a good idea. It will only increase the value of your home as time goes on. A lot of people still like turning on and off that light switch, but guess what? The future is coming. And it's going to be smart home technology.

I hope this helps! I'm glad you stopped by.